Medical Pharmacology ePortfolio: April

It is hard to believe that this is my last blog post for the masters of medical pharmacology program at Tulane. If any future masters student or applicant does happen to read my posts I truly hope that you can see how impactful this program has been for me. Specifically, the maturity I have gained, the friends I have made, the mentors who have impacted me, and the community that I have engaged in. New Orleans is a city like no other, and Tulane has an uncanny ability to continuously prove this. Education in pharmacology can be gained anywhere, but the impact New Orleans and Tulane has on its students is an unique and invaluable experience. This month I have participated in two habitat for humanity builds, one in the Lower 9th and the other near New Orleans Lake Front airport. I have gained insight from the site managers and locals in these areas that I have never had before in my 5 years of living in New Orleans. Below I have attached a picture which illustrates a tired, yet fulfille...