Medical Pharmacology ePortfolio: December

Hey everyone!

This will be a quick blog post before the end of the semester. Right now our class is preparing for the brain and behavior block exam. I have enjoyed all of the material for this exam. Studying complex diseases like Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, addiction, and many more has really expanded the way I view psychiatric disorders. At this point in the medical community, the treatment paradigms are based on relieving symptoms, rather than targeting the disease itself. I believe this is one of the most important frontiers of medicine. I hope to one day be involved in truly understanding and treating these diseases, and this program has given me an amazing start!

This month, I participated in a Habitat for Humanity build with a few other students in the program. It was a cold day, but we were able to get a lot done building the sides of the house, as well as, having fun during the whole process. It is exciting to see a group of students so engaged in community service.

Until next time!

December Community Service Hours: 8 Habitat + 3 Gardening (12/9/17)
Fall Semester Community Service Hours: 31


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