Medical Pharmacology ePortfolio: November
Hey everyone, it's me again! Another month down and only one block remaining until winter break. November was a filled month for the pharmacology program. For most of the month we studied the endocrine/reproductive system. I was a neuroscience and psychology double major in college, so this material was mostly new for me. What I found most interesting about this block was all the incredibly complex facets involved with diabetes. It is absolutely amazing how this common disease initiates and progresses throughout a patients life. Learning about everything from the specific biology, all the way to pharmacological intervention, helped me understand how an entire human system responds in many different ways to disruption in the normal metabolic routine. In order to help us gain an understanding of diabetes and its treatments, we all participated in a Team Based Learning exercise. We are split into small groups and work together on answering difficult questions about the disease. I be...